

Puget Sound profiling buoys
Mickett, J, W. Ruef, A. Devol and J. Newton Puget Sound Marine Waters, 2014 Overview, S. K. Moore, R. Wold, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, K. Dzinbal, C. Krembs, and J. Newton (Eds).
Coastal Moorings
Mickett, J, Puget Sound Marine Waters, 2014 Overview, S. K. Moore, R. Wold, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, K. Dzinbal, C. Krembs, and J. Newton (Eds).


Puget Sound profiling buoys
Ruef, W., A. Devol, J. Newton, and J. Mickett PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup, Puget Sound Marine Waters: 2013 Overview. S. K. Moore, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, J. Newton, and K. Dzinbal (Eds).
Coastal Moorings
Mickett, J. PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup, Puget Sound Marine Waters: 2013 Overview. S. K. Moore, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, J. Newton, and K. Dzinbal (Eds).


Puget Sound profiling buoys
Devol, A., W. Ruef, and J. Newton PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup, Puget Sound Marine Waters: 2012 Overview. S. K. Moore, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, J. Newton, and K. Dzinbal (Eds).
Coastal Moorings
Mickett, J. PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup, Puget Sound Marine Waters: 2012 Overview. S. K. Moore, K. Stark, J. Bos, P. Williams, J. Newton, and K. Dzinbal (Eds).


Puget Sound profiling buoys
Ruef, W., A. Devol and J. Newton PSEMP Marine Waters Workgroup, Puget Sound Marine Waters: 2011 Overview. S. K. Moore, R. Runcie, K. Stark, J. Newton, and K. Dzinbal (Eds).


What's it all about, Algae? Red tides and algal blooms.
Ruef, Wendi, Shelly Carpenter Sea Kayaker Magazine, April 2010, 46-49.


In Situ and Remote Monitoring of Water Quality in Puget Sound: the ORCA Time-Series.
Devol, Allan H., Wendi Ruef, Steven Emerson, Jan Newton (2007). Environmental Research, Engineering and Management; No. 1(39), 19-23.
Monitoring water quality with an autonomous moored profiler: the ORCA project.
Ruef, Wendi, Allan Devol Marine Scientist; No. 20, 31-32.


In Situ and Remote Monitoring of Water Quality in South Puget Sound: the ORCA Time-Series.
Ruef, W., A. Devol, S. Emerson, J. Dunne, J. Newton, R. Reynolds, J. Lynton Droscher, Toni and David A. Fraser (eds.) 2003 Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference, March 31-April 3, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia -Proceedings.


The Oceanic Remote Chemical/Optical analyzer (ORCA): An Autonomous Moored Profiler.
Dunne, J. P. , A. H. Devol and S. Emerson Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology; 1709-1721.


Marine Waters Year in Review: the 2015 ORCA Time Series
Ruef, W., J. Newton, J. Mickett, A. Devol Puget Sound Marine Waters Workshop: "2015 in Review", April 1, Seattle, WA


Quantifying the Role of Marine Nutrient Loading to Upper Layer Production and Bottom Water Hypoxia in a Coastal Estuary
Ruef, W., A. Devol, J. Newton, C. Bassin Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 13-18 February, San Juan, Puerto Rico


Spatial Variability in Hood Canal
Ruef, W., C. Bassin, A. Devol, J. Newton 2009 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Ecosystem Conference, February 8-11, Seattle, Washington
High-frequency Variability in Water Properties in Estuaries and the Implications for Monitoring Programs
Ruef, W., A. Devol, C. Bassin, J. Newton Coastal and Estuarine Federation Meeting, November 1-5, Portland, OR


In-situ profiling: What it takes to get a time series
Ruef, W., A. Devol, C. Smith School of Oceanography Seminar, University of Washington, February 12, Seattle, WA
Hypoxia and Fish Kill Events in Hood Canal, Washington State
Devol, A.H., J. Newton, M. Kawase 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, Orlando, Florida
Interannual Variability in Hood Canal Hypoxia
Ruef, W., A. Devol, J. Newton, C. Smith 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, March 2-7, Orlando, Florida
Understanding fish kill dynamics in Hood Canal
Devol, A.H., J. Newton, M. Kawase 55th annual Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, September 23-26, Stanford Sierra Camp, California
Factors Affecting Inter-Annual Variability of Hypoxia in Hood Canal
Ruef, W., J. Mickett, A. Devol, J. Newton, M. Alford AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, California
Anthropogenic Contributions to Hypoxia in Lower Hood Canal, Washington State
Devol, A., W. Ruef, J. Newton, J. Richey AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, California


Hood Canal Fish Kill of 2006
Devol, A., W. Ruef, J. Newton 2007 Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference, March 26-29, Vancouver, BC
In Situ and Remote Monitoring of Hypoxia in Hood Canal: the ORCA Time-Series at Twanoh
Ruef, W., A. Devol, C. Smith, J. Newton 2007 Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference, March 26-29, Vancouver, BC
Integrated Current Measurements from the ORCA Profiling Moorings in Hood Canal, WA
Ruef, W., A. Devol, C. Smith, J. Newton NortekUSA Training Symposium, May 9-11, Carmel, CA
The ORCA system in Hood Canal: high frequency water quality data in real time
Ruef, W., A. Devol, C. Smith, J. Newton Marine Technology Society Meeting, May 24, Seattle, WA


Sampling Frequencies of Ocean Observing Systems
Devol, A., J. Newton, W. Ruef, S. Emerson 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-26, Honolulu, Hawaii
In Situ and Remote Monitoring of Hypoxia in Hood Canal: the ORCA Time-Series
Ruef, W., A. Devol, J. Newton, S. Emerson, A. Paulson 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-26, Honolulu, Hawaii
High Frequency Measurements of Oxygen and Other Variables in Hood Canal Washington
Devol, A., W. Ruef, J. Newton ASLO Summer Meeting, June 4-9, Victoria, BC


In Situ and Remote Montitoring of Water Quality in Puget Sound: the ORCA Time-Series at Point Wells
Ruef, W., A. Devol, S. Emerson 2005 Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference, March 29-31, 2005, Seattle, Washington
In Situ and Remote Monitoring of Water Quality in Puget Sound: the ORA Time-Series
Ruef, W., A. Devol, S. Emerson, C. Smith School of Oceanography Seminar, University of Washington, October 28, Seattle, WA


In Situ and Remote Montitoring of Water Quality in South Puget Sound: the ORCA Time-Series
Ruef, W., A. Devol, S. Emerson, J. Dunne, J. Newton, R. Reynods, J. Lynton Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference, March 31-April 3, 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia


Oceanic Remote Chemical/optical Analyzer (ORCA)
Devol, A., S. Emerson, J. Newton, R. Reynolds, J. Dunne, W. Ruef School of Oceanography Seminar, University of Washington, December 4, Seattle, WA


Oceanic Remote Chemical/Optical Analyzer (ORCA)
Dunne, J., S. Emerson, A. Devol ASLO International Meeting, June 5-9, Copenhagen, Denmark


The Influence of midwater hypoxia on nekton vertical migration
Parker-Stetter, Sandra L., John K. Horne, and Mariko M. Langness ICES Journal of Mar. Sci. Feb 2009
Nekton distribution and midwater hypoxia: A seasonal, diel prey refuge?
Parker-Stetter, Sandra L. and John K. Horne Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; 81:13-18.


Modeling the effects of environmental variability on Balanus glandula larval development
Pfeiffer-Hoyt, Anna S. and M. A. McManus Journal of Plankton Research; 27(12):1211-1228.


Oxygen Measurements in Carr Inlet, Puget Sound: a time series from a moored profiler (ORCA)
Lynton, J. Master's Degree Presentation, School of Oceanography, University of Washington, December 14, 2001