griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID * The List of All Active Datasets in this ERDDAP * This dataset is a table which has a row of information for each dataset currently active in this ERDDAP. cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: datasetID (Dataset ID) accessible institution dataStructure (Data Structure) cdm_data_type (Common Data Model Type) class (ERDDAP Class) title minLongitude (Minimum Longitude, degrees_east) maxLongitude (Maximum Longitude, degrees_east) longitudeSpacing (Average Grid Longitude Spacing, degrees_east) minLatitude (Minimum Latitude, degrees_north) maxLatitude (Maximum Latitude, degrees_north) latitudeSpacing (Average Grid Latitude Spacing, degrees_north) minAltitude (Minimum Altitude (or negative Depth), m) maxAltitude (Maximum Altitude (or negative Depth), m) minTime (Minimum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) maxTime (Maximum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) timeSpacing (Average Grid Time Spacing, seconds) griddap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Grid Service) subset (URL of Subset Web Page) tabledap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Table/Sequence Service) MakeAGraph (URL of Make-A-Graph Web Page) sos (Base URL of SOS Service) wcs (Base URL of WCS Service) wms (Base URL of WMS Service) files (Base URL of "files" Service) ... (10 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physics Lab allDatasets NEMO - ChaBa Meteorlogical - Gill Metpak Pro NEMO - ChaBa Meteorlogical - Gill Metpak Pro cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) deployment_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_tests (Surface Air Pressure Qc Tests) air_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_temperature_qc_tests (Sea Water Temperaure Qc Tests) relative_humidity (percent) relative_humidity_qc_agg relative_humidity_qc_tests dew_point_temperature (degress C) dew_point_temperature_qc_agg dew_point_temperature_qc_tests surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_qc_agg surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_qc_tests ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at the University of Washington - Applied Physics Laboratory nemo-chaba_met NEMO - Chaba Wind - Vaisala WMT 700 Anemometer NEMO - ChaBa Wind - Vaisala WMT 700 Anemometer cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) deployment_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_speed_qc_agg wind_speed_qc_tests wind_speed_of_gust (m * s^-1) wind_speed_of_gust_qc_agg wind_speed_of_gust_qc_tests eastward_wind (m * s^-1) eastward_wind_qc_agg (Eastward Wind Speed Qc Agg) eastward_wind_qc_tests (Eastward Wind Speed Qc Tests) northward_wind (m * s^-1) northward_wind_qc_agg (Northward Wind Speed Qc Agg) northward_wind_qc_tests (Northward Wind Speed Qc Tests) wind_from_direction (degrees) wind_from_direction_qc_agg wind_from_direction_qc_tests air_temperature (degree_C) air_temperature_qc_agg air_temperature_qc_tests ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at the University of Washington - Applied Physics Laboratory nemo-chaba_winds NEMO Cha'Ba: SBE-37 CTD NEMO Cha'Ba Buoy: SBE-37 Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) deployment_name target_depth latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_temperature_qc_tests (Sea Water Temperaure Qc Tests) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_tests ??? NWEM Group chaba_sbe37_historic NEMO Cha'Ba: WQM NEMO Cha'Ba Buoy: WQM cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) deployment_name target_depth latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_agg (Sea Water Electrical Conductivity Qc Agg) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_temperature_qc_tests (Sea Water Temperaure Qc Tests) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_tests sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_tests mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_tests mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_qc_agg mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_qc_tests sea_water_turbidity (NTU) sea_water_turbidity_qc_agg sea_water_turbidity_qc_tests ??? NWEM Group chaba_wqm_historic NEMO Subsurface, Seabird SBE37 CTD, Historical data NEMO Subsurface - Seabird SBE37 Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - Historical data cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) deployment_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_temperature_qc_tests (Sea Water Temperaure Qc Tests) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_tests ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physics Laboratory nemo-ss_sbe37_historic NEMO Subsurface, Seabird SBE37 CTD, Near-realtime sampling (incomplete data) NEMO Subsurface - Seabird SBE37 Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) - Near-realtime sampling (incomplete data) cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) deployment_name target_depth latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_temperature_qc_tests (Sea Water Temperaure Qc Tests) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_tests ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physics Laboratory nemo-ss_sbe37_nrt NEMO-SS Velocity Profiler - Upward facing Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) - 60-minute average (DEVELOPMENTAL) NEMO-SS Velocity Profiler - Upward facing Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) - 60-minute average cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): eastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) northward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) echo_intensity_average (m/s) ??? NWEM Group nemo-ss_adcp NPBY1 - Point Wells: L1 Profile Data The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data contains minimal data processing. The data has been converted from the raw sensor data (voltages, conductivity) into the respective quantities; however, no quality control has been performed on this data. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES: buoy_name longitude (buoy longitude, degrees_east) latitude (buoy latitude, degrees_north) sample_number (--) cast_number (--) time (Cast Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) ... (31 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L1_profiles NPBY1 - Point Wells: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L2_gridded_025 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L2_gridded_100 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L3_depth_climatology_025 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L3_depth_climatology_100 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L3_climatology_025 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L3_climatology_100 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L3_depthgridded_025 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L3_depthgridded_100 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L4_anomaly_025 NPBY1 - Point Wells: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_L4_anomaly_100 NPBY1 - Point Wells: Meteorological Station Data Meteorological Data taken from an ORCA buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) met_package air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) relative_humidity (percent) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air (umol m^-2 s^-1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) air_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) ... (24 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby1_met NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L1 Profile Data The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data contains minimal data processing. The data has been converted from the raw sensor data (voltages, conductivity) into the respective quantities; however, no quality control has been performed on this data. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES: buoy_name longitude (buoy longitude, degrees_east) latitude (buoy latitude, degrees_north) sample_number (--) cast_number (--) time (Cast Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) ... (31 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L1_profiles NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L2_gridded_025 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L2_gridded_100 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L3_depth_climatology_025 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L3_depth_climatology_100 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L3_climatology_025 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L3_climatology_100 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L3_depthgridded_025 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L3_depthgridded_100 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L4_anomaly_025 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_L4_anomaly_100 NPBY2 - Carr Inlet: Meteorological Station Data Meteorological Data taken from an ORCA buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) met_package air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) relative_humidity (percent) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air (umol m^-2 s^-1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) air_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) ... (24 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory npby2_met ORCA1 - Twanoh: L1 Profile Data The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data contains minimal data processing. The data has been converted from the raw sensor data (voltages, conductivity) into the respective quantities; however, no quality control has been performed on this data. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES: buoy_name longitude (buoy longitude, degrees_east) latitude (buoy latitude, degrees_north) sample_number (--) cast_number (--) time (Cast Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) ... (31 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L1_profiles ORCA1 - Twanoh: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L2_gridded_025 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L2_gridded_100 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L3_depth_climatology_025 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L3_depth_climatology_100 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L3_climatology_025 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L3_climatology_100 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L3_depthgridded_025 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L3_depthgridded_100 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L4_anomaly_025 ORCA1 - Twanoh: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_L4_anomaly_100 ORCA1 - Twanoh: Meteorological Station Data Meteorological Data taken from an ORCA buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) met_package air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) relative_humidity (percent) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air (umol m^-2 s^-1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) air_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) ... (24 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca1_met ORCA2 - Hoodsport: ADCP Currents Data ORCA2 - Hoodsport: ADCP Data. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data at on the ORCA2 buoy at Hoodsport cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): correlation_beam1 (--) correlation_beam2 (--) correlation_beam3 (--) correlation_beam4 (--) echo_intensity_beam1 (--) echo_intensity_beam2 (--) echo_intensity_beam3 (--) echo_intensity_beam4 (db-) eastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) northward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity_error (m/s) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_adcp ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L1 Profile Data The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data contains minimal data processing. The data has been converted from the raw sensor data (voltages, conductivity) into the respective quantities; however, no quality control has been performed on this data. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES: buoy_name longitude (buoy longitude, degrees_east) latitude (buoy latitude, degrees_north) sample_number (--) cast_number (--) time (Cast Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) ... (31 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L1_profiles ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L2_gridded_025 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L2_gridded_100 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L3_depth_climatology_025 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L3_depth_climatology_100 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L3_climatology_025 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L3_climatology_100 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L3_depthgridded_025 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L3_depthgridded_100 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L4_anomaly_025 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_L4_anomaly_100 ORCA2 - Hoodsport: Meteorological Station Data Meteorological Data taken from an ORCA buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) met_package air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) relative_humidity (percent) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air (umol m^-2 s^-1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) air_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) ... (24 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca2_met ORCA3 - Hansville: L1 Profile Data The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data contains minimal data processing. The data has been converted from the raw sensor data (voltages, conductivity) into the respective quantities; however, no quality control has been performed on this data. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES: buoy_name longitude (buoy longitude, degrees_east) latitude (buoy latitude, degrees_north) sample_number (--) cast_number (--) time (Cast Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) ... (31 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L1_profiles ORCA3 - Hansville: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L2_gridded_025 ORCA3 - Hansville: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L2_gridded_100 ORCA3 - Hansville: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L3_depth_climatology_025 ORCA3 - Hansville: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L3_depth_climatology_100 ORCA3 - Hansville: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L3_climatology_025 ORCA3 - Hansville: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L3_climatology_100 ORCA3 - Hansville: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L3_depthgridded_025 ORCA3 - Hansville: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L3_depthgridded_100 ORCA3 - Hansville: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L4_anomaly_025 ORCA3 - Hansville: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_L4_anomaly_100 ORCA3 - Hansville: Meteorological Station Data Meteorological Data taken from an ORCA buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) met_package air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) relative_humidity (percent) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air (umol m^-2 s^-1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) air_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) ... (24 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca3_met ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L1 Profile Data The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data contains minimal data processing. The data has been converted from the raw sensor data (voltages, conductivity) into the respective quantities; however, no quality control has been performed on this data. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES: buoy_name longitude (buoy longitude, degrees_east) latitude (buoy latitude, degrees_north) sample_number (--) cast_number (--) time (Cast Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_pressure_qc_agg sea_water_pressure_qc_tests sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_tests sea_water_temperature (degree_C) ... (31 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L1_profiles ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L2_gridded_025 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L2 Pressure Gridded Data - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable$ This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][sea_water_pressure]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) depth (m) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_qc_agg mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) ... (8 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L2_gridded_100 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L3_depth_climatology_025 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L3 Climatology - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L3_depth_climatology_100 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 0.25 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L3_climatology_025 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L3 Climatology - Pressure Gridded - 1.00 dbar The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This climatology is based upon data taken from casts taken between the years 2010-2024. The data is averaged at each pressure level for each day of a calendar year. After the data is averaged, a 6-week smoothing filter is run over each data level to provide a smoother data record. Climatological averages and standard deviations are provided. When taking the averages, if there is not sufficient data coverage for a given day (i.e., greater than or equal to 80% of the time frame), then no average is taken, and the climatological value for that day at that pressure level is left blank. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][sea_water_pressure]): sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_std (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_std (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_std (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_std (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water_std (Square Of Brunt Vaisala Frequency In Sea Water, s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water_std (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) ... (9 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L3_climatology_100 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L3_depthgridded_025 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L3 Depth Gridded Data - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_practical_salinity_qc_agg sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) sea_water_sigma_theta_qc_agg square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) ... (12 more variables) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L3_depthgridded_100 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 0.25 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L4_anomaly_025 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: L4 Anomaly - Depth Gridded - 1.00 meter The Northwest Environmental Moorings program maintains a number of buoys thoughout the Puget Sound region, taking regular profiling casts with a winched CTD attached to a fixed mooring. These profiles measure water pressure, water temperature, and conductivity. Depending on the mooring configuration, additional instruments are added to take further measurements, which can include dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations, fluoroescence (a proxy measurement for chlorophyll concentrations), and turbidity. This data has converted raw profiles into a gridded data product. Data from the downcast (i.e., from surface to maximum depth) is extracted, and used to grid each variable to pre-defined pressure levels. Quality control flags are used to improve gridded data quality. Bad data is removed during gridding, while suspect data is flagged. Using the pressure-gridded data, corresponding hydrostatic depths are calculated. From these hydrostatic depths, the data is then interpolated onto fixed depth levels. This dataset has historical data, and adds new data shortly after any additional casts have been performed. Data quality delay is usually less than 6 hrs. cdm_data_type = TimeSeriesProfile VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [cast_start_time][depth]): cast_num (sample number, --) sample_time (cast sample time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (s ^ -2) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water (umol * kg-1) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) par (photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), umol photons * m^-2 * sec^-1) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) ??? Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_L4_anomaly_100 ORCA4 - Dabob Bay: Meteorological Station Data Meteorological Data taken from an ORCA buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) buoy_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) met_package air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) relative_humidity (percent) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W * m^-2) surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air (umol m^-2 s^-1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) air_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) ... (24 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory orca4_met Quileute Lander 2 - ADCP Data ADCP Data from a Teledyne Workhorse on the Quileute Lander cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): correlation_beam1 (--) correlation_beam2 (--) correlation_beam3 (--) correlation_beam4 (--) echo_intensity_beam1 (--) echo_intensity_beam2 (--) echo_intensity_beam3 (--) echo_intensity_beam4 (db-) eastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) northward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity_error (m/s) University of Washington - Applied Physics Laboratory quileute_lander2_adcp Quileute Lander 2 - SBE37 CTD Data from a SeaBird SBE37 on the Quileute Lander cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) lander_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) instrument_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_number (Deployment Sample Record Number, --) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent) Quileute Nation quileute_lander2_sbe37 Quileute Lander 3 - ADCP Data ADCP Data from a Teledyne Workhorse on the Quileute Lander cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][depth]): correlation_beam1 (--) correlation_beam2 (--) correlation_beam3 (--) correlation_beam4 (--) echo_intensity_beam1 (--) echo_intensity_beam2 (--) echo_intensity_beam3 (--) echo_intensity_beam4 (db-) eastward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) northward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity (m/s) upward_sea_water_velocity_error (m/s) University of Washington - Applied Physics Laboratory quileute_lander3_adcp Quileute Lander 3 - SBE37 CTD Data from a SeaBird SBE37 on the Quileute Lander cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) lander_name latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) instrument_time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sample_number (Deployment Sample Record Number, --) sea_water_pressure (dbar) sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent) Quileute Nation quileute_lander3_sbe37 Quileute Test Wave Buoy Quileute Test Wave Buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: buoy_id (station code) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) processing_source significantWaveHeight (Sea Surface Wave Significant Height, m) peakPeriod (Sea Surface Wave Period At Variance Spectral Density Maximum, s) meanPeriod (Sea Surface Wave Mean Period, s) peakDirection (Sea Surface Wave From Direction At Variance Spectral Density Maximum, degree) peakDirectionalSpread (Sea Surface Wave Directional Spread At Variance Spectral Density Maximum, degree) meanDirection (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree) meanDirectionalSpread (Sea Surface Wave Directional Spread, degree) surfaceTemp (Sea Surface Temperature, degree_C) significantWaveHeight_qc_aggregate significantWaveHeight_qartod_gross_range_test significantWaveHeight_qartod_spike_test significantWaveHeight_qartod_rate_of_change_test significantWaveHeight_qartod_flat_line_test peakPeriod_qc_aggregate peakPeriod_qartod_gross_range_test peakPeriod_qartod_spike_test peakPeriod_qartod_rate_of_change_test peakPeriod_qartod_flat_line_test meanPeriod_qc_aggregate meanPeriod_qartod_gross_range_test meanPeriod_qartod_spike_test meanPeriod_qartod_rate_of_change_test ... (26 more variables) ??? Quileute Tribe, in association with NANOOS backyardbuoys_quileute Quinault Test Wave Buoy Quinault Test Wave Buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: buoy_id (station code) time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) processing_source significantWaveHeight (Sea Surface Wave Significant Height, m) peakPeriod (Sea Surface Wave Period At Variance Spectral Density Maximum, s) meanPeriod (Sea Surface Wave Mean Period, s) peakDirection (Sea Surface Wave From Direction At Variance Spectral Density Maximum, degree) peakDirectionalSpread (Sea Surface Wave Directional Spread At Variance Spectral Density Maximum, degree) meanDirection (Sea Surface Wave From Direction, degree) meanDirectionalSpread (Sea Surface Wave Directional Spread, degree) surfaceTemp (Sea Surface Temperature, degree_C) significantWaveHeight_qc_aggregate significantWaveHeight_qartod_gross_range_test significantWaveHeight_qartod_spike_test significantWaveHeight_qartod_rate_of_change_test significantWaveHeight_qartod_flat_line_test peakPeriod_qc_aggregate peakPeriod_qartod_gross_range_test peakPeriod_qartod_spike_test peakPeriod_qartod_rate_of_change_test peakPeriod_qartod_flat_line_test meanPeriod_qc_aggregate meanPeriod_qartod_gross_range_test meanPeriod_qartod_spike_test meanPeriod_qartod_rate_of_change_test ... (26 more variables) ??? Quinault Tribe, in association with NANOOS backyardbuoys_quinault Se'lhaem, Bellingham Bay Deep Hydrological Station Data Deep Hydrological Data taken from the Se'lhaem - Bellingham Bay buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) location_id (1) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) instrument_types sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_pressure (dbar) depth (m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_std (mg * m-3) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) sea_water_turbidity_std (NTU) sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_flat_line_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_manually_flagged_test (1) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg (1) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_gross_range_test (1) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) ... (45 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory bellinghambay_deephydro Se'lhaem, Bellingham Bay Meteorological Station Data Se'lhaem - Bellingham Bay Meteorological Station Data. Meteorological Data taken from the Se'lhaem - Bellingham Bay buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) location_id (1) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) wind_speed (m * s^-1) wind_speed_of_gust (m * s^-1) eastward_wind (m * s^-1) northward_wind (m * s^-1) wind_from_direction (degrees) air_temperature (degree_C) dew_point_temperature (degree_C) relative_humidity (1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level (Surface Air Pressure, hPa) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_agg (Surface Air Pressure Qc Agg, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_gross_range_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Gross Range Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_rate_of_change_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Rate Of Change Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_spike_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Spike Test, 1) air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level_qc_flat_line_test (Surface Air Pressure Qc Flat Line Test, 1) relative_humidity_qc_agg (1) relative_humidity_qc_gross_range_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_spike_test (1) relative_humidity_qc_flat_line_test (1) air_temperature_qc_agg (1) air_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) air_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) ... (22 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory bellinghambay_met Se'lhaem, Bellingham Bay Surface Hydrological Station Data Surface Hydrological Data taken from the Se'lhaem - Bellingham Bay buoy cdm_data_type = TimeSeries VARIABLES: time (Sample Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) location_id (1) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) instrument_types sea_water_temperature (degree_C) sea_water_electrical_conductivity (S/m) sea_water_pressure (dbar) depth (m) sea_water_practical_salinity (PSU) sea_water_sigma_theta (kg * m-3 - 1000) mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (mg * L^-1) fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water (percent (percent)) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water (mg * m-3) mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water_std (mg * m-3) sea_water_turbidity (NTU) sea_water_turbidity_std (NTU) sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_agg (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_gross_range_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_spike_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_flat_line_test (1) sea_water_temperature_qc_manually_flagged_test (1) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_agg (1) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_gross_range_test (1) sea_water_electrical_conductivity_qc_rate_of_change_test (1) ... (45 more variables) Northwest Environmental Moorings Group at University of Washington - Applied Physical Laboratory bellinghambay_surfhydro